Our App

"Where can I see a moose?" "My kids really want to see a buffalo!" While working at the Jackson Hole Stagecoach, we interacted with visitors from around the world, and the most common question was where to see wildlife. Being locals, we were able to make suggestions based on our personal experience. The need for a guide with specific locations for wildlife viewing in Grand Teton and Yellowstone became obvious. Wanting to share our love of wildlife and the excitement we feel each time we encounter an animal, we created the Wildlife Drives App.

Get the app. See the wildlife. Get the picture?

Wildlife Drives App

Free Download!
  • Discover locations where the locals go to see wildlife in Yellowstone & Grand Teton National Parks, Jackson Hole, Teton Valley, Swan Valley, Idaho Falls, Rexburg & Island Park
  • Connect with Google Maps for easy navigation
  • Specific tips give insight on spotting like a pro
  • Photos and descriptions make identification easy
  • Find wildlife by category or location
  • Indication of proximity to your current location
  • Summer and winter wildlife and locations specified
  • Feathered friends are included
  • Wildlife included: Bear, Beaver, Bison, Chipmunk, Coyote, Deer, Eagle, Elk, Fox, Mountain Goat, Marmot, Moose, Osprey, Otter, Owl, Pelican, Pronghorn, Sandhill Crane, Bighorn Sheep, Squirrel, Swan
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What people are saying about us

  • So much fun! So easy to find the animals from the map!

    Gary J.

  • fantastic, easy to use, great information

    Craig M.

  • Can't believe we saw a newborn elk calf near the Moose-Wilson Road! Thanks, Wildlife Drives!

    Lynn C.

Wildlife Drives' Photos

Beaver near Moose-Wilson Road
Coyote on Elk Refuge
Bear near Two Ocean Lake
Mountain Goat
Chipmunk on Antelope Flats Road
Moose near Moose-Wilson Road
Bighorn Sheep near Elk Refuge Road

Wildlife Drives' Stories

Surrounded by bison!

Bison traffic jam had the children howling at their antics!

Looking into a bear's eyes

Driving underneath a bear in a hawthorne tree along the Moose-Wilson Road allowed the unforgettable opportunity to safely look into a bear's eyes!

The Sound of Fall

A never-to-be-forgotten day hearing an elk bugle from the mountainside above Lupine Meadow

We named him Cliff

Perched high up the mountainside, this Mountain Goat made an indelible impression as he leapt sure-footedly from one rocky outcrop to another.

Moose is aptly named!

Lying under the shade of the cottonwood trees in Moose, a moose with enormous antlers hid from the passers-by who were within feet of him but never noticed!

Watch your feet!

A little girl stood next to the beaver pond on the Moose-Wilson Road and whispered, "I want to see a beaver!" It only took a quick finger point for her to realize the beaver was almost at her feet!